Here are a few of our favorite ways to break up our day so we keep from feeling like we are watching the clock waiting for 5 o’clock to roll around!
1. Go For a Walk
Take a step away from the situation or the problem at hand. Give yourself a little bit of a breather. Do something that you enjoy and that can fill your bucket after a few moments. Go to a different issue and try tackling that for just a few minutes to see if that helps. If not, don’t beat yourself up, don’t try to force yourself into it. Find something that works for you in order to boost your creativity while at work.
2. Listen to a Podcast
There are so many worthy podcasts that can elevate your mood and motivation while at work or on your way to work. Sure we all have the music that we love listening to, but try swapping it out with a fun podcast from time to time. Did you know that they’re short podcasts of less than 10 or so minutes? If all you have time for is a short walk to the bathroom, pop on your headphones and listen to a 5-minute podcast! Here’s a podcast that is short and sweet that you can start and finish on your morning walk to go and grab a coffee.
Optimal Living Daily – Podcast Link
3. Schedule Time
When you work a 9-5 job it can be very challenging to stop the feeling of being bogged from time to time. A way around that is to take note of when you notice yourself starting to daydream. Sometimes it can happen around the same time each day, for example, if you feel tired after lunch each day stay clear of saying yes or scheduling a meeting around that time. Try to make mental notes have high energy/ productivity levels throughout the day and when you start to notice a dip. Make a schedule that makes the most sense for you!
Whatever your work situation is right now: 100% working from home, 100% working at the office, or doing somewhat of a hybrid schedule there are ways to keep your head in the game no matter where you are! The key is figuring out what works for YOU and for your team. YOU GOT THIS!